I received a sms from my friend on 31 Dec 2007,said that oil price would rise RM0.2-0.4/litre on next day. She asked me to fill up my big tank,I ignored it.She asked to bet for it,loser need to climb from house to town.Why not?i am so confident on my prediction,haha~ If she bet with me by today, I am a bit scare.Crude oil prices briefly soared to $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time, this will urge PM to rise oil price asap.However,I still predict they will do it after election.
Oil price soared suddenly show an unshakeable view that global demand for oil and petroleum products will outstrip supplies.
1) Surging economies in China and India fed by oil and gasoline have sent prices soaring
2) Violence in Nigeria and Iran(oil producing nations) helped give crude the final push to $100
3) Investors nervous and invited speculators to drive prices even higher.
A JOKER said “oil price keep going up,if our country continue to subsidy at the same rate,our country will going bankruptcy”.As we know,Malaysia is a net oil exporter, for every dollar rise in world oil prices, Petronas Income also rise the same direction. If Petronas is smart they can make ton’s of money and this money is not going overseas. It is coming back home.
The energy crisis in Malaysia is something that is manageable,they can:
a) Encourage auto makers to bring in Hybrid cars.
b) Encourage the use of gas powered vehicle. Build more gas station in Malaysia. This has been talk repeatedly but was not done.
c) We can reduce consumption of oil if we encourage the use of alternative energy~palm oil green fuel to produce biodiesel,which government talk last few years. Unfortunately,I predicted the replacement biodiesel as new energy may be a failure,this is because the rising of Palm oil price makes no sense to produce biodiesel.
Petronas 不就是国家的吗?(疑惑)
kukuciao~ 人家印尼前天才宣布这个月开始遥调低油价,其中一个原因是印尼盾的兑换率高了。
堕落祥,some of the eco term very difficult to explain in mandarin."所以國家破產是可能的,因為他們都富可敵國。(國家的前都流進他們的口袋裡)",这是什么意思?你是说有人中饱私囊还是?他们减少subsidy的原因是“used for other important needs".Which is more painful?a subsidy of petrol price?saving proton/mas?use 100million sending a man to space to drink teh tarik and promote our batik?what for to waste our limited resources on the first Austro-NUT?But refuse to give subsidy?
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